Why is proportional representation a good idea?

1. It means that *all* votes matter in elections, not just those for the candidate with the most number of votes.
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

2. It incentivises different political parties to collaborate, looking for areas where they *can* work together, in contrast to FPTP which incentives parties to oppose each other
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

3. It allows voters to vote for the candidate they actually want, instead of voting tactically to try to stop a candidate they dislike from getting elected
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

4. It reduces extremism because it allows those with extreme views to have their say in Parliament (where such views can be properly challenged). This prevents extremists playing the martyr by claiming they've been disenfranchised.
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

5. It enhances the intellectual capital of a country by creating an environment which accommodates creative thinkers and 'fringe' ideas, which can then be developed for the cultural and economic benefit of the country as a whole
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

6. It allows politicians to campaign openly for what they actually believe in, rather than having to carefully script their messaging to avoid alienating key swing voter groups in their constituency
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

7. It provides space for younger politicians to establish themselves in their specialist areas of interest. This means we get a larger number of young people in leadership positions in government, instead of primarily old white men
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

8. It reduces the risk of a country implementing populist policies (in particular armed conflicts or anti immigrant policies) by reducing the electoral incentive for politicians to pander to Daily Mail editorial writers.
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

9. Makes it harder for people like Nigel Farage to exploit FPTP system by pressurising Labour & Conservatives into adopting extremist policy by threatening to run against them in key marginals. PR largely prevents this.
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

10. Allows political parties to specialise rather than attempting (but failing) to be 'broad churches', yet still remain electorally viable. For example The Green Party has popular support, but struggles to "win" in FPTP elections
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

11. It eliminates the stranglehold Labour and Conservatives have had on government in our country for nearly a century, because under PR people no longer fear their vote is "wasted" by voting for a party that cannot "win".
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

12. It does away with the concept of 'safe seats', meaning that everyone in a constituency feels that their vote matters and that they are represented by an MP they support.
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

13. It increases the intellectual, gender, racial and socioeconomic diversity of MPs. This means better government because the best ideas win out, not just those from people who went to the "right" schools or know the right people.
Why is proportional representation a good idea?

14. It increases voter turnout in elections because voters feel that their vote is not wasted, for example if they live in a 'safe seat'.
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