one of the features of feeling like i don’t belong in any friend groups is watching my friends interact with each other regularly, but they never interact with me 😔
I SWEAR ONE OF THEM COULD BE POSTING STH REALLY STUPID LIKE ‘feet are ugly’ and all my friends in the comments are like ‘YES!’ ‘YOU’RE SO RIGHT’ ‘YOU SNAPPED’ but then i post anything and its crickets
the thing is social media doesn’t matter anyway and who cares about comments or likes or retweets from your friends when they’re your friends, that shit doesn’t matter, yk? but then you start to notice a pattern on how they do that with everyone but you, and it lowkey hurts 😔
and it’s not even a big thing, its rather insignificant really, but then it adds up to all the other insignificant things that tell you ‘you don’t belong, they don’t actually like you’ and suddenly these small things do kinda make a difference to you
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