So my favorite possible explanation for the Four Seasons Total Landscaping debacle is the official one, that it was just a place in the right area that met the security needs.

I love that because no one will ever believe it.
Say that Trump tweeted out "Four Seasons!" and was told that they said thanks but no thanks and they had to scramble? Everyone will believe that.

Say that it was a distracted or disgruntled staffer booking the wrong place? Everyone will believe that.
That either or both of those explanations are *instantly* plausible to anyone who hears them says so much about this outgoing regime and its reputation.
Is anything?
Yeah, and I guess the middle of the road explanation could be that someone was reeling off businesses off of I-95 and he heard "Four Seasons" and was like, "Great, make it happen."
Not to get all Trumpy myself but this is a case where the truth doesn't matter, only the appearance. Because we're never likely to know the truth, to hear a confession from a credible source. But which explanations are credible reveal a lot about how he's run things.
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