I am NOT here for calls of unity not am I about to put my hand out to bridge the divide. Seriously.
I DO NOT care if people are unhappy or scared or whatever. Because what are they scared of? That "they're gonna take my guns away"?
It is definitely time to take stock and start to rebuild a sense of trust in our Democratic institutions. But if that means including all your old shit like racism, ableism, misogyny, y'all can STAY MAD
If you support Tr*mp you are suffering from R A C I S M, misogyny, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and/or xenophobia. Or maybe just more concerned with your own money than the lives of black and brown and queer people.
And as far as I'm concerned, I don't want to build a coalition with ANY of that.
So I'll say the same thing I say to my toddler: Think about what needs to change. You can leave the Time Out Chair when you're ready to say you're sorry, and start acting better.
You DO NOT get to treat large swaths of people as less than human and then expect to be appeased. https://twitter.com/alicewetterlund/status/1325198184235200512
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