This seems to be the structure picked by Koeman. Worked well lately.

Roberto w/ a hybrid positioning (back 3 & auxiliary mid), FDJ & Busi as main organizers, Dembélé & Alba providing width, Pedri & another attacking midfielder btwn the lines, a (false/real) center forward.
One of Pedri's skills is his capacity to find right spaces btwn the lines (behind the pivots). It's Alba's high positioning (attracts the rival RB) that enables him to do so from the LM position. W/ a forward (Fati) that makes runs & pushes back the CBs, even better, more spaces.
Barça's attacks tend towards the left side. Alba is often among top 3 players w/ most ball touches/passes in any given game. FDJ often goes there too. Messi plays more passes towards that side. Fati as LW became a focal point.

It seems to be a natural tendency... (next tweet)
Overloading the left & finishing on that crowded side : predictable (through balls for Alba) & inefficient.

Overloading then switching the play to Dembélé who stayed wide (see 1st tweet) and will have time & space to attack the left back in 1v1 (1st goal vs Juventus) : better 👍🏽
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