video reactions from btr the series, a thread
Logan: No! I- maybe, kinda, yes??
Logan: he's got a point!
Carlos: I'm so depressed
Carlos: okay, let's all just calm down and think nice happy thoughts about kittens
James: and now I'm really sad
James: that just you jealousy talking
Logan: (making calculations) nope! still an idiot
James: Big Time Rush is not dead!
Carlos: (speaking Spanish) ¡de nada!
Gustavo: (screaming) AAAAAAHHHHH. sent.
Logan: Ha! She's wrong
Kendall: (typing)
James: (drinking a smoothie) WHAAAT?!?
Katie: he was dropped on his head as a baby
Kendall & Jo: ARE YOU NUTS???
Everyone: (Screaming)
Katie: Idiots!
James: I'm James Diamond, I'll be riding you today
Logan & James: which one?
Carlos: Yep
Kendall: Relax! we have plenty of time. it's only (checks time) midnight. (starts running)
Logan: I'm going to mask my pain by buzz cutting my hair, joining a gym and nicknaming myself: the island!
James: (screaming)
Carlos: I'm freaking out
Katie: just saying!
James: oh you know I'm not that clever
Carlos: I wonder why I didn't think of that. oh yeah, cause I'm not CRAZY
Gustavo: progress check. we have made no progress
Carlos: (screaming) let's our hearts broken!
Carlos: we got thrown in jail
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