i get on this app and say things people don’t like, and because of that they call me patronizing. that’s literally not the definition of patronizing.
i have never talked down to anyone who engages me in good faith and who genuinely wants to understand my position. the issue is that y’all feel you can hop in people’s mentions and say anything you want to them and they be okay with it.

i’ve never been that kinda nigga.
i *can* be patronizing, but only after someone condescends to me. belittling folks isn’t my go to because i hate being belittled. but if that’s the energy you bring to me, i’m more than capable of returning it. 10 toes.
just yesterday, someone dear to me reached out and said they don’t understand my views and that they want to understand. i told them i’m always down to talk about that because i know they are genuine and they came to me with so much respect. it’s literally that simple.
i am not always nice. i will not always say things that make you laugh or that you like or even that you agree with. when i’m wrong, i’ll always own it and apologize. but what no one can ever say about me is that i am unjustifiably “patronizing.” ever.
throughout this election cycle, i wasn’t patronizing. i was honest. i said things about every candidate that many didn’t like. i was not part of the in-crowd where everyone “just wanted Trump gone.” won’t ever get an apology outta me for that. 🤷🏿
and before you try to address me, please know i couldn’t give two fucks who on this app does or does not like me lmaooo. so i don’t engage to be liked; i engage to be accurate. know that. https://twitter.com/dashaunlh/status/1324420397220188160
You can follow @DaShaunLH.
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