I’ve kept quiet on the #DownSyndrome #Emmerdale @ITV issue so far, as I wanted time to find out what was going on and work out what I felt. If you haven’t heard, an upcoming storyline has characters terminating their pregnancy after a prenatal diagnosis of DS
This isn’t unusual. The vast majority of pregnancies with a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome end this way, so it’s a story line that will strike a chord with many.
It is, however, a wasted opportunity to inform the public about a condition that isn’t all doom & gloom
My daughter has Down syndrome. Life hasn’t always been easy for her or our family, and we know there will be more tough times ahead. But there have been so many wonderful, wonderful times too. Who can ever say life will be perfect, extra chromosome or not?
We knew Amy would have Down syndrome before she was born. Continuing with the pregnancy wasn’t an easy decision. Some told me I was wrong. But it was a decision we made after arming ourselves with as much information as we could.
We had to gather that information ourselves. I googled, read, listened, called, talked, weighed and balanced. And cried. A lot.
Even 14 years on, parents are not often given balanced, real, practical information to help make a life changing decision.
That’s where #Emmerdale & @ITV could have made a huge impact. Instead, they spoke only to ARC whilst planning their storyline. ARC are pro-termination and do not help parents get balanced information. I’m pro-choice but firmly believe that choice should be informed.
Continuing a pregnancy when something unexpected is found is a tough decision, so parents should be helped & supported & given time, information and an opportunity to understand both sides of the equation.
I know I made the right decision, even on our darkest days, for us.
There’s a large and vibrant Down syndrome community out here, which #Emmerdale could have spoken to, including many of their own viewers. How do you think those viewers feel, knowing how a huge corporation such as @ITV feels about them?
I am so, so proud of Amy, and all that she is and all that she does. I wish that others could look beyond her disabilities and see her as a person. @ITV has a chance to explore that, if they want. I hope it’s not too late
You can follow @Lizjl78.
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