So many of my American friends and followers on here may be wondering why the rest of the world was so invested in the #USElection. I’ll try and explain my thoughts on it, obviously I can only speak for myself so here’s my thoughts of why myself and so many other non Americans
Followed this so closely:
1. For a country like Australia, whether we like it or not, we are tied very closely to the US, economically, militarily and culturally. What happens in the US has a knock on effect in this country. So when someone like Trump, an anti science
Climate denier, misogynist, conspiracy theory spreader, white supremacist and racist enabler with zero empathy for anyone bar himself has such a large platform as that of POTUS, it not only emboldens similar people in the US, but also in countries like mine as well
We’re seeing ridiculous Q conspiracy theories taking root here in Australia, blatant racism (well, more than usual 🙄) anti vacc and climate scepticism growing and just a a general selfishness growing.
The USA may not have been liked by everyone but it was respected. Trump changed the respected part. The USA became a laughing stock, which considering its size and arsenal is not a good thing. The USA under Trump also became much less popular. And I’m sure a large number of
American people could care less about that, but they should. America, due to its size needs to be a leader on things like climate change and renewable energy, promoting de-nuclearisation, leading the way in science and confronting things like the current pandemic head on.
Most of us have American friends or family, we scratch our heads at the resistance to things like universal healthcare, a decent minimum wage and the hysteria around gun control. We want America to be a strong place for our friends. We want it to be the land of the free
Where people can get a square deal regardless of race, gender or sexuality. And look, we know our countries aren’t perfect, hell Australia is FAR from perfect. But we can be better, and we believe that America can too. The Trump stain will be there for a while, but if people can
Come together and actually work towards what is best for PEOPLE, not for the almighty dollar, we’ll, then there’s hope that my kids and yours will grow up in a better world.

End rant (sorry for the long thread)
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