just a reminder that not everyone has to be delighted about a biden presidency 🙃 the implications this has for my country is insane (thread if y’all want it)
there’s a trump pic with him from 1995 (the biden pic’s from 2017) but they look much friendlier than the trump pic & trumps politics don’t line up with his so no chance of them working together,they were also taken at a political dinner, not a posed pic at a meeting like biden’s
tw/ terrorism

this is scary & there’s probably gonna be more terrorist attacks here bc biden’s win will encourage a lot of terrorists & also who knows what deals biden will make with them (they’re terrorists AND politicians here lmao don’t ask)
also biden was discussing a united ireland there & his support for that could be fatal to my country & although half the country want that the other half really really don’t so if that happens there’ll probably be another civil war so biden could help start a war in my country
and i know i probably haven’t expressed myself very well here but this is scary for me so yeah i’m not gonna be celebrating a biden presidency which is weird because before i knew about that picture and their meeting i was happy for america but now i’m scared
at this stage i’m just hoping that no deals/agreements have been discussed and i’m hoping biden will just stay out of things here bc NI politics are uniquely complicated but i feel like he’ll get involved 🙃🙃 but yeah i’m not gonna be celebrating
also just while we’re here can you guess why i was happy labour lost the last election? (oh and fun fact, people from NI can’t even vote for labour/conservative in elections, just the NI parties ✌️) so yeah here’s why my country is fucked up & why things will get worse here again
also like i said i’m aware i didn’t express myself that well here but if you stan biden enough that you wanna unfollow me for this thread please just softblock, i’m sorry but i can’t celebrate something that could increase terrorism and possibly start a war in my country
but like i said i just hope biden stays away from NI politics and doesn’t make any deals with anyone, because a united ireland is the goal for so many people here but it WILL increase terrorism to an extent like it was in the 1970’s (google ‘the troubles’) and it might start
a civil war and biden now has the power to influence it and it’s a very touchy subject as it is without any american interference so pls help me manifest biden staying tf out of NI politics but i don’t think he will
i’m aware this thread is a trainwreck and i’ve done a shit job explaining this so if you’ve actually read it all thanks i guess? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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