The MAGA crowd has adopted a victimhood mentality, while at the same time championing the pull yourself up by the bootstraps attitude. Everyone is out to get them from the media to the Libs, but Trump has been doing the “best” the country has ever seen in spite of it.
This contradicting messaging from their leader has left them scrambling for reasons as to how they possibly could have lost the election.

What they didn’t realize is that the real silent majority wasn’t the ones driving around with sycophantic flags attached to their gas...
guzzlers. It was Patriots like Stacey Abrams, Rep Cortez, and Rep Omar working on the ground day in and day out to give a voice to those who have been cast aside for far too long.
For the first time in 4 years I heard my grand father say “What a country” (one of his favorite phrases) and agreed with it. Democracy works when everyone is given the right to vote.
You can follow @MickeyMaffei.
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