To be serious for a moment. The reason we need to be resolute in Fuck the Other Side is that they peddled eugenics, they peddled violent erasure of whole cultures and races or genders

They gave power to fascism. That is not a difference in politics. That should never be forgiven
There are some ideologies and beliefs that cannot be reformed and should not be forgiven.

We are going to get a light reprieve and if we are not diligent, it will only come back worse in 4 years.
This is where we failed with Obama. For 8 years racism, bigotry, xenophobia was left to stew and never strongly repudiated.

Donald Trump was the symptom, the figurehead.

Our problem will forever be family, co-workers and neighbors.
Shout down every thread about forgiveness. Shout down every thread about empathy to Nazis aka Trumpers. Let them know they cannot gaslight us into believing it was simply a small difference of opinion.

Don't let them feel an ounce of comfort to spread their poison.
They let 240k+ ppl die. Children and parents have untold trauma from being ripped from each other. Trans people were banned from the military. Same sex marriage is still on the ballot. Along with the ACA and abortion.

Never let them forget.
And since I know quite a few white women follow me, never forget it was Black women who saved us all. Y'all had more WW vote for Drumpf, not less. After Kavanaugh!

Anyway, if you appreciate the emotional labor in this thread: 
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