I know some people are worried about violence and I understand and share that fear, but I cannot imagine how the next two-months-and-change will be more dangerous with regards to them than another four years or more with their god-king undefeated.
I've said before and I will say again that Trump is not at his most dangerous when he's cornered and wounded, but when he feels vindicated and invincible.
As tense as this week has been, I think the way things have unfolded may be one of the safer paths. Trump's disorganized, shambolic legal and public relations approach in the early days speaks of a lack of confidence and lack of ability to enact more forceful approaches.
They take their lead from him, though. And yeah, some of them are eager to fight, but they'd be more emboldened if he were emboldened.

I'd be more afraid right now if he'd won. Of violence from them right now, not in the future. https://twitter.com/naogannet/status/1325165399839825920
A lot (not all, but a lot) of the people who want a "Day of the Rope" are reeling and confused and licking their psychic wounds right now. They don't know what's happening, they don't feel like this country is theirs or has their back anymore.
I think there would be a lot more right-wing mobs out there with guns calling open season if they'd had their victory. I would be more afraid of their celebration than I am of their retaliation, at this moment in time, with the way things have unfolded.
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