Some interesting early maps of Cornwall — new post by me :)
Detail from the Anglo-Saxon world map in Cotton MS Tiberius B V/1, dated c. 1025–50, probably drawn at Canterbury and derived from a Roman original; it shows an exaggerated Cornish peninsula with two ?fighting figures on it:
Al-Idrīsī's mid-12th-century Arabic map of Britain, pieced together by me from three drawings in a 16th-century copy (MS Pococke 375: Cornwall is again exaggerated and termed 'the extremity of England'. For more on this map, see
Map of Cornwall and the South-West, extracted from the map of England by Matthew Paris, c. 1250; the place-name on the far west of Cornwall is Bodmin, with Tintagel then to the north-east of this.
Close up of Cornwall and Devon on the fourteenth-century Gough Map. Important places are marked and the road is believed to terminate at St Ives, which is potentially a point of some interest with regard to St Ives's local import in the medieval era: 
Extract from the Angliae Figura showing Cornwall and Devon, a vellum map probably created in the 1530s and perhaps hanging at Hampton Court as the property of Henry VIII:
Three medieval portolans showing Cornwall and Devon, dated c.1331, 1466 & 1510; note the increasing detail on the north coast. The places named include Mousehole, St Michael's Mount, Falmouth, Fowey and Plymouth—see for more details on each of these maps.
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