Okay, so can all the progressives out there drumming the whole "if only Biden had adopted policy X, Y, and Z, he would have won" and "that was too close" finally admit that, maybe, just maybe, the issue isn't policies but is actually deeply rooted in identity?
Class reductionism is a fundamentally limiting viewpoint because it completely ignores why a given population would *continuously* vote against their class interests.

Sure, you can fall back on "corporate media brainwashing", but then you have to question *why that works*.
By and large, the reason why it works is because it reinforces bigotry that already exists in a given population

But it even happens independently of corporate media

How else do you explain people shitting on POC *before the election was called* based on incomplete exit polls?
Go back and look, people were *running* with this idea that somehow POC were to blame for Trump *seemingly* gaining among POC.

This happened among both libs *and* leftists.

Hell, this even happened in the primaries

Without idpol, we lack a lens through which to understand this
America has a problem with white nationalism

It always has

Until we fundamentally damage this pipeline to fascism, we will always be at risk to its resurgence

Cuz right now blaming POC for shifting ever so slightly while white folks were to blame for Trump is just plain racist
POC won us this race, and it's *our* jobs to now figure out how to best fix our bigotry problem, not shout down at them.
But I'm also seeing a huge issue with progressives claiming that if only we would have run more progressive policies, we would have won more of the House.

Biden's acceptance of leftist policies hurt him in some areas, and those same areas also saw Republican surges.
America is not homogeneous.

America does not have a one-size-fits-all solution.

If you want to choose a progressive candidate, then *turn up in the primaries*.

It's that simple.
I think it's finally time for the left to come to terms with the fact that Hillary was fundamentally hurt by sexism *even within her own party*, and there was a distinct negative reaction to 8 years of a Black president from conservatives.

If we can't do that, we're toast.
It's also really easy to prove centrists wrong about who can win elections!

Just turn out and vote! It's that simple! Show up in the primaries!

Don't just take your ball and go home to advocate for third parties that ironically turned out at incredibly low rates!
TBH, this whole thread is kind of a rant and a ramble that deserves to be formalized in a full article instead of bouncing from point to point, but I feel like these things needed to be said.
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