I’m writing this thread out of concern & affection for Leftist Twitter

Since it looks like the Creepy Uncle Joey might buy us ~4 years of illusory calm & mediocre, incremental, corporatist, useless Neo-Liberal “normalcy”

Commonly known as 100% Grade-A, Status-Quo BULLSHIT

We know America checks all—or nearly all—of the boxes for “What happens in a nominal democracy before they officially become formal fascist governments”

We also know a Biden presidency will do little—likely, nothing—to prevent America from its final, fascist destination.

At BEST, POTUS Biden & a Democratic House will just barely, gently, tap the brakes slightly before the US crashes head-on into a wall of nightmares

Or, at least that’s what we “say” on Twitter we “believe” is certain to happen. (4)
Unless we’ve all just been posturing for Internet points, it’s time to ask some very important questions of ourselves, for those who haven’t already (props to y’all for being ahead of the curve, btw).

The best-case scenario for sincere American Leftists is that we have ~4 years to decide how we will respond to the coming fascist American government we say is inevitable

The question then, is this:

“Will I fight or will I flee?”

There’s no wrong answer. No judgment. No shaming.

But please use these next
~4 years wisely. Be honest with yourself. Once you’re sure of your answer, act accordingly, immediately, & decisively on a plan of action that works best for you & your loved ones

History’s TL;DR tells us that nominal democracies primed for fascist takeover—like the US—are led into power by political establishments like the Neo-Liberal, corporatist government, owned & controlled by wealthy individuals & their business interests.

That’s likely going to be the exact type of government POTUS Biden & House Democrats will bring about over the next ~4 years

Their allies in the mainstream, corporate media will aid that effort to lull the nation into a complacent state

There will not be no meaningful action taken to address any of the systematic, societal, & cultural changes needed to overcome true existential threats facing all working-class & poor Americans

Issues Like:

*Climate change

*Economic inequality

*Universal Healthcare

*Systemic racism, misogyny, & LGBTQ-discrimination

*Reproductive rights

*Voter suppression

*Student loan debt

*Labor rights & union protections


*Reinstating the Fairness Doctrine

And many more things I didn’t think of, b/c I’m a cis-Hetero, White male & have blind spots that keep me from seeing the complete range of American society’s problems facing everyday people

In terms of what is “likely, the MOST optimistic, immediate future is one in which House Democrats pass bills containing ALL the wishlist of American Leftists’ dreams

Bills that—if they became laws—could potentially solve EVERY problem I listed earlier

Every single one of those bills House Democrats pass will be delivered to the Senate by a herd of rainbow-colored unicorns, prancing upon a road of glittering clouds radiating brilliant beams of light which spell out BLM & ACAB

Upon arrival in the Senate, Republicans will shoot the unicorns at point-blank range w/Super PAC-“donated” AR-15s. Once the unicorn blood on the bills is dry enough, McConell’s staff will shred them all while Mitch sits at his desk “testing” product his in-laws shipped him

So you don’t think I’m just a Debbie-Downer, let’s get belligerently optimistic. Say Uncle Joey can do some “White Guy Whisperer”, Jedi mind-trick type of shit and convince McConell’s Senate to pass House Democrats’ bills ASAP and POTUS signs them into LAW!

Picture it: New Year’s Eve, 2021. You’re snuggled up w/your sweetheart(s), ready to ring in a new year. Reflecting on the joy you’ve felt during a full year’s worth of politically Progressive successes eclipsing even FDR’s ENTIRE three-terms.

Were you able to hold back hope reading the last tweet? Or did it sneak past you? I hate when that happens. Know what else I hate? The 6-3 SCOTUS advantage the Koch brothers bought that will strike down EVERY Progressive law from now until the day we die

Which gets us to the crux of our problem:

Biden won’t save us. Kamala won’t save us. The Democratic Party won’t save us. Not in this election. Not in any election

The best things will ever be—for working-class, poor, & marginalized Americans—is as bad as they are right now
History tells us that all the existential, social, and economic threats under which the majority of Americans live will probably get worse over the next four years.

Republicans will run in 2022 & 2024 emboldened by what Trump taught them the last four years & what 2020’s POTUS election showed them this week. They don’t need dog-whistle racism. They don’t need to hide their fascist & theocratic beliefs.

Trump has shown Republicans they need to be MORE vocally supportive of racism, misogyny, fascism, and theocracy, bigotry, etc..

“But Trump lost in 2020”, you say. Yes he did. And his loss in 2020 is teaching Republicans an even more valuable lesson than Trump’s 2016 win

Republicans now know that all their POTUS candidate needs to win power is racism, misogyny, & xenophobia. And to make that power permanent, POTUS only needs to read at a fourth-grade level, have basic political competency, and—most importantly—ideological conviction

The next Republican POTUS candidate will be a BLATANT, virulent, racist, xenophobe, misogynist, homophobe, transphobe, COMPETENT and COMMITTED, right-wing totalitarian.

Look at the national 2020 Electoral map. See that enormous ocean of red? For the next four years, 2/3 of people those states (or more) will seethe with hate and rage over Trump losing.

They will obsess and pray nightly for God to send America the type of Republican POTUS candidate who will seize total power on their behalf and give them license to kill their political and cultural enemies.

BLM’s protests have shown us irrefutable evidence that all of America’s police are firmly on the side of fascism.

When America completes its transition into a formally fascist government, neither LEO, the military, nor the state’s political actors will save us

They will subjugate, imprison, & eventually execute you & your loved ones

if you are a known Leftist in a red state, your neighbors, coworkers, members of your church, etc., ALL of them will joyfully assist in your arrest and execution any way they can

Those too squeamish to get their hands bloody, will obliviously operate the bureaucratic apparatuses a “proper” genocide always needs to maintain its mask of “official”, institutional “legality”

This is the darkness at the end of Late Stage Capitalism’s tunnel of blinding lights.

The darkness that awaits anyone who is not a White, wealthy, Christian, cis-Hetero & male. White women are exempt, but only if they submit to being a “baby factory” & wife

So those are a basic (and longwinded, I know; sorry) outline of the next four years of problems facing sincere, American Leftists. What about solutions?

I’m an Internet nobody (fine, an IRL nobody too) but I only see two choices

Hope for the best and pretend the last four years haven’t made it abundantly clear how close America is to formally becoming a fascist police-state

Accept reality as it is & act accordingly.

If you choose the 1st option, good luck. Remember, the farther up you are on “the high road”, excess oxygen flows to your brain, causing delusions & hallucinations, as your lungs fill w/fluid in which you “drown” to death

For the 2nd group, I’ve made a list of things I plan to do & thought I’d share, in case you want to add & adapt them into your life

(Yes, I know it’s corny that I named my list. But I want to be a Corporate Person when I grow up, & so I’m practicing my branding skills)


*Eat as nutritionally healthy as you can

*Commit to an exercise regiment, emphasizing functional strength, cardio, & mixed-martial arts

*Stockpile water, non-perishable food, first-aid items, and LEGALLY OBTAINED firearms & ammo

*Train with and clean said firearms as often as you can

*Form or join with Leftist community defense & pro-2A groups. Meet up & train together as often as possible

*Research & apply home/community defense strategy & tactics instructional media

*Run for local or state office or volunteer for/donate to Leftists candidates running for local or state office

*Organize a union at your workplace and/or support union organizing in your community

*Obtain or renew your passport

*Research other countries, their culture(s), & languages to which you could quickly relocate if you would prefer to flee rather than fight. Pay specific attention to their immigration, refugee, and political asylum laws

That’s it.

Add to or take away any of what I’ve said.

Everyone’s means are different.

Whether it’s income, health, age, race, ethnicity, geography, disability, gender, or sex, I realize that everyone can’t access all, or even any, of my suggestions.

This thread’s rattled my brain for weeks. The more I tried ignoring it, the more it bugged me to write it

So I did

Maybe someone can use it as a helpful starting point. Even if it doesn’t work for you, I hope you find what does

Thank you for your time and consideration,

You can follow @QuinnG1970.
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