The cost of losing is so asymmetric.

What have Donald’s supporters actually lost?

No one is going to surveil their places of worship, mandate abortions, limit their martial rights, take their firearms, call their home countries shitholes or demean their favorite athlete.
No one is going to encourage a culture of targeting white people with actual violence enacted by state actors.

The only thing they lost is the ability to say that their Vice President isn’t a black woman.

They have, in fact, lost that.
Marital rights, not martial rights.

But, the thing I hate about all of those people is that they are allowed to cosplay real anger and fear that they have never felt a day in their fucking life.

And we will now be subjected to the media’s coddling of their clown feelings.
This is insanity.

The ideological diversity INSIDE the Democratic Party is large enough to accommodate a universe of reasonable disagreement.

All the way from money hungry centrists to scorch earth leftists.

Deciding to be Republican is deciding to be an awful, failed human.
In fact, Satan.

(also known as Mitch McConnell)


He got a conservative Court that I will be living under for the next two decades, and that Democrats won’t do shit about.

Y’all didn’t lose shit.
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