My natural bend is to be a pessimistic realist. There are lots I could say about the incoming administration, but to intentionally deny the joy of knowing 45's days as our torturer are ending? That's just an asshole move.

Do you like living like this? I don't.
45 is wicked, not garden variety politician awful. He's otherworldly wicked.

Yes, I'm jubilant about his defeat. May be spend his last days feeling the misery he has inflicted upon millions.
I want to see loved ones without fear, I want my kid's last years of high school to not be spent behind a screen.

I want to see my staff again, and not on Zoom.

I want to kill time with a coffee and be able to sit inside the coffee spot,without thinking I'll die.
No, our deep structural issues won't be solved, that's long haul work. But maybe if we can run errands without fear of illness, we can go deeper into the structural work.

Life in a pandemic without competent leadership is tiring.

So yeah, I'm happy at the hope of change.
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