Obviously I am not super keen on Handsy Grandpa and his extremely Girlboss Defense Contractor running partner but if you're gonna act like having a toddler with a temper not having control of the nukes isn't at least SOME load off your mind then you're too blackpilled for reality
For two entire years of this presidency I and everyone else dependent on the ACA for survival had to wake up, call our reps and senators, and just wait and see if the GOP was gonna axe the ACA. Two years of not knowing, every single day, if you were gonna lose the ACA forever
Two entire years of not knowing if tomorrow all your conditions would be labelled pre-existing, forever cutting you off from preventive medical care. John Mccain made us beg for it. Gaining control of the house slowed the bleeding, and this is a similar relief I feel now
"it's not good enough" nirvana fallacy leftists will get you killed. All progress is incremental and you can't change society while under constant bombardment from the presidency. If nothing else, we need the mental reprieve to prepare for the battle ahead
So like smoke a fucking bowl and go dance in the street you gloomy asshole
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