there is no causal link at all nor any control.

the disease followed a gompertz curve because that's what viruses do.

this is not even data, it's just assumption.

null hypothesis: this was going to happen anyway as a natural property if community resistance.
i mean, wow, look, these NPI's in delaware were so successful that that had the exact same effect all the way in sweden!

that's some potent stuff!

come on guys. this is literal garbage. how is the CDC publishing this?
studies without control groups are not valid.

and they MUST know this. the CDC does have actual scientists. (and from speaking to several, they are horrified about studies like this getting pushed)

this must be a deliberate, political choice.
this is a classic gompertz curve. it looks exactly the same as sweden's.

also, it had clearly already peaked when masks were mandated.
it's just this same bad mass general methodology, over and over.

repetition of lies until them seem like truth is a method of propaganda, not science.

am i the only one finding this chilling coming from alleged health agencies and experts?
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