Just wanted to note that Schumer/Warren have announced they will be introducing legistlation for major student debt forgiveness. if we even get to a Senate tie and keep the house this can be real.
I am going to be working hard to make this happen bc it happens to be the thing people want to hear my thoughts on. And I am finally learning to (kind of) specialize.
But doing this one thing will let us do so many other crucial things. I want to cancel student debt because it will free up tens of millions of people to do all kinds of things with their lives that they might not do with debt hanging over them.
We need people to feel free to make different choices and be creative, to take the teaching or organizing job, to fight for better policy, to work on mitigating climate change in ways we haven’t thought of yet. AND just to rest. To be able to think, and be with people.
“Legistlation” hahaha
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