The White Evangelical ideology that has masked itself as Christian Doctrine for centuries is being dismantled. Some people have literally made the Gospel synonymous with whiteness and have made white culture the standard instead of Christ. #Repent
It’s hard for some to say that it was their preference instead of God because they’ve legit conflated The Gospel and interpreted it through white cultural lens and standards.
Thus anything that challenges the primacy of White culture is interpreted as being “Ungodly” and “Demonic” when that’s simply not the case. The issue is we’ve weaponized Christianity to support white power dynamics in America and we must Repent.
Other realities exist and whiteness or “White Americanism” is not the standard. Christ is! We have to stop hiding behind The Cross in efforts to push ulterior motives that oppress and disenfranchise other people groups and realities. #Repent
There has always been a perverting of The Gospel in America. The Gospel has always been filtered through “White Evangelical” dogma. Grand Wizards believed in the same Jesus and without conviction lynched Black people on Saturday and showed up in Church on Sunday as clergy.
The same conflation of The Gospel allows people to support bigotry, racism and policies of inequity in the name of standing for “righteousness” because subliminally they’ve defied White Culture and slapped Christ name on it. Christianity in America has long been abused. #Repent
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