As a leader within the body of Christ, it's a moment where i want to drawing out guys and dragging. but thats a fleshy /carnal/ un-christlike move

What I will say is that many men and women of God made Jesus, his church and his gifts a laughing stock
you can very much have a political view/opinion and bias. but you CANNOT pin earthly political views as "God's". The Bible describes that God is the ruler of His own KIngdom, and of it there shall be no end.
God's view are not like what we have on earth
As an apostle I was hurt when I saw renowned church leaders prostitute the gift of prophecy and weaponise it against those that had differing political views.

For some it could just be immaturity and for some it may well have been very intentional, I cannot fully say
The hypocrisy of American church leaders especially prominent white evangelical ones has been EPIC.They consistently fail to reject pressing injustices like racism but have whole heartedly embraced nationalism.

The idolatry of this nation and its "successes" is VERY problematic
It has become increasingly evident the main priorities for white evangelicalism are: anti-abortion, anti-lgbtq, sometimes anti-sex trafficking with a hint of religious freedom as well as the supporting of their stupendously luxurious lifestyles.
And as long as politicians address the first 2 on the list (above) it seems to satisfy them

And this is meant to be representative of Gods heart?


Politicians know that MANY church leaders are compromised individuals and they also know many are FICKLE
One thing i know for sure is that the church in America is at a dividing line.
Those that stand with God and those that stand with the state (the world)

It's time for the church in America to wake up. Like for real
I hope that leaders within the body of Christ that were parading themselves as 'trumpets" (Trumps puppets) will repent, humble themselves, reevaluate their priorities and seek restoration where they burnt bridges

We are one body and we have a mandate
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