What a wonderful way to wake up.

*pulls up boots* First step completed. Now for the real work to come.
This system is flawed, our politics are corrupt across the board, and our country is fundamentally in need of some proactive social healing and reeducation... I have no illusions that THIS changes everything. It’s just a step away from the precipice. I’ll take a small victory.
“Democrats” have not fixed the problem with this, just changed the direction into one with a little more hope. No political party is free of guilt or issues, and we NEED more than two parties as we go. This binary (like many binaries) is unnecessary and flawed.
Knowing this broken system, working within it was necessary at the time because it’s currently stacked against radical change. With this, I hope, we can begin the work to push things towards a better way. It will take time, but I have hope. Today was a step, a good one. /rant
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