The people on my island are debating on nextdoor about the (completely voluntary OF COURSE) mandate from our Governor Mills to wear a mask when you are outside in a public place.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? Just wear a goddam mask. How is this so hard?
Are you & your dog on the back trails at 5am on a Wednesday in January? Sure maybe have one around your neck or in your pocket in case you meet a fellow 5am dogwalker. Otherwise, if you are on a public road and may come in to contact with other people WEAR A FUCKING MASK.
I know I am going to cop a lot of flack for DARING to suggest that maybe Karen who has walked the same route every morning here on the island since 1894 might have to put a piece of fabric over her face, but THIS SHIT MAKES ME SO MAD.
Maybe if you fuckers had worn masks and if our soon to be out on his ass, rotting-mango-in-a-lawnchair head of state had have actually done something to encourage/enforce masks I would have got to hold my Dad's hand before he died. Don't make me come over there, Karen. đŸ˜·
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