"why do you care so much you're european"
the results of the 2016 elections and the four-year presidency that just ended have had an unfathomable impact on the entire world, but especially led to a rise of fascism and boosted far-right parties in all EU countries
France, Belgium, UK... trump's discourses and rhetoric has been shared and progressively normalized by people who thought they no longer had to hide their racisms and xenophobic values, because the most important man in the world backed them

and now it's over
final word on the argument that "biden is just slightly less bad, things won't get that much better"

it's true that he's far from what id call a good candidate, and there were much better choices amongst the democrats, but his election will allow for a better environment-
-for important values and goals to get the attention they deserved. especially, climate change and human rights. and again, those are two fields that don't just concern america

also it's nice to know that maybe less people will die of covid there
lots of people are quoting this thread to mention latin american countries, and they're right! I only mentionned those I personally know people living there, or where I myself live. but i believe that this is a worldwide phenomenon
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