So, on this.

My mom just texted me that the election has been called, so let's talk about what we can (and, like, HAVE TO) do next.

Steps in thread. 1/x
1. The GA senate races are going to a runoff, which will determine the U.S. Senate majority.

If we don't win that, the best we can do in the next 2 years is to STOP the damage. We can't undo damage or make progress. So that means, you gotta help in GA.


- Follow @fairfightaction and respond to their requests

- Learn the candidates' positions on issues like:

1. Reparations
2. ACA/health insurance
3. Pandemic response
4. Immigration


So, IF we pull off the Senate majority, then we get the privilege of addressing the next issue: the administration that we have elected is not really a progressive one.

However, it can be pushed. We've seen a morsel of evidence. We have to make them follow up on it.


2. Figure out who YOUR elected officials are to the U.S. House and Senate.

Determine when their town halls are. These are opportunities to ask them questions and get issues on their radar.

BONUS: due to pandemic, you might be able to join via Zoom from your house.

3. You can also write letters to your house and senate reps. @resistbot makes this easy. Text them your letter and they will help you send it.

House and Senate reps play a CRITICAL role in crafting legislation. The President doesn't do that. So your input here matters.

4. Now let's talk about local stuff: municipal ballot measures, election procedures, and local officials.

These things, though they seem little, ultimately influence the big things. See here:

When these things are on your ballot, ya gotta know what they mean.

The GOP regularly takes advantage of people NOT knowing what they mean to misinform the public. Example: Illinois just rejected a graduated income tax, like, with its whole chest.

What's wild is...

8/x was LEAST popular among people who would have paid FEWER taxes with it.

Why? Because those were more isolated, lower-income areas of the state outside of urban centers, where the GOP successfully convinced people that higher taxes on rich people were bad for THEM.

By contrast, in 2020, St. Louis changed its voting mechanism to ranked choice voting from single-vote voting.

Ranked choice and approval voting BOTH pave a way to more representative governments, whereas...

Our current single-vote, winner-take-all system ultimately results in always having two kinda shitty parties who each manage to scrape up ABOUT half the vote.

By changing our voting, we can elect a voice outside of these two milquetoast near-majority ones.


We need to counteract GOP misinformation about these grassroots efforts that pave the way for us to see ourselves better represented at the local, state, and national level.

That means, mom/dad/babysitter/third grade teacher need to hear from an info source besides Fox.

That source needs to be you. And I'm especially talking to white people right now. White folks, you know people who voted for Trump. I PROMISE.

Even if you live in SF. Even if you're an artsy-fartsy. Even if you only talk to Canadian immigrants. You do. It matters cuz...

In 2020, Trump took a LARGER proportion of the white women vote than he did in 2016.

This means that, from 2016-2020, white folks who DIDN'T vote for Trump failed as community activists.

Sorry, we did. We failed.

Here's how to make sure it doesn't happen again:

Open conversations with your mammy/pawpaw/barber/third grade teacher that you're friends with on facebook

And look: I'm not even asking you to talk to them about Trump yet! I'm not even asking you to do the scary conversation yet! To start, what you can do is...

Talk to them about graduated income taxes.

Teach them that graduated income tax means higher taxes on the PORTION OF INCOME above $400k. Not the whole $400+k.


Fox and friends is currently taking advantage of people not knowing that to convince them that getting rich will actually make them poor.

Talk to them also about approval voting. Show them a comparative example so they can see how it helps them get what they want.

You're building trust and establishing a basis for productive conversations with these people. You're providing an info source that currently isn't there, that's getting filled by a propagandist TV program.

This gives you not only leverage, but the PRACTICE you need to...

18/x address issues with them like abolition and redistribution of funds to community programs.

To address reparations, and referenda on public education.

To address local voter suppression.

These people won't let you address the reasons they voted for Trump; they might not even admit that they did it.

But what we've learned from the White Community Activist Failure of 2016-2020 is that fundamental skills and relationships are missing.

We. Fix. It. Now.

I forget what number I'm on. 4? Let's say 4. Let's say, learning about municipal issues like the above, and then helping your facebook or whatever community understand them, is number 4.

So, 5. Let's talk about judicial accountability.

Judges in your county/district/etc might be appointed, or they might be elected.

If they're elected, then you get a say on whether they keep their seat. Now, mostly, judges have no problem doing this, because no one pays attention at the local level.


Court proceedings are public. Court outcomes are public record. Here's what needs to happen:

1. Somebody needs to watch/record what happens in court
2. Somebody needs to collate that data and determine trends in judge leniency/ruthlessness


3. Somebody needs to publish the results on how judges tend to rule
4. Voters need to use the results to determine who should stay on the bench.

Example: @Stephanie_Skora's voter guide has played a non-negligible role in some racist judges losing their seats in Chicago.

But you can participate at ANY point in that flow:

1. Court-watching in your community
2. Collating the court records
3. Posting the results or sharing them with friends
4. Finding such a guide to help you vote

@injusticewatch is also a great resource here.

So there's a ton more we can do, but for now I think 5 things is enough, and certainly enough to keep people busy between now and our first deadline, which is Georgia's senate primary: January 5.

Get going.

Gooooood morning folks!

OK. We have had a day to think about the to-dos in this thread:

Now, here are some resources to help you get started on them. 1/x
You can follow @HeyChelseaTroy.
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