. @JoeBiden just won with the highest youth turnout in history. Young people saved American Democracy & ended the fascist reign of Donald Trump.

You know what the number one swing issue for young black folks and young latinos was? Climate.

We just gave Biden a #ClimateMandate
Are Biden & Harris going to lead with bold power? Are they going to smash all those DC norms that let our people die?

Or are they gonna be McConnell's vice president?
Biden won on the strength of his Green New Deal influenced economic recovery & climate plan - the plan we redesigned w/ @AOC as part of the climate task-force.

In the last week of his campaign he focused on targeting climate voters. That midnight hour decision saved his campaign
Biden out-performed Conservative Dems who ceded all economic vision.

They have been losing down ballot races for a decade, but every election, the losers blame something new. Gay marriage, #MedicareForAll or #BlackLivesMatter .
They lose because Democracy is a popularity contest and they are unpopular.

Populism reigns this era. The ideals progressives fight for are widely popular & accessible.

We can't cure fascism with centrism. We will only win with bigger ideas.
No progressive lost their seat. Sunrise's swing state organizing made the margin of difference in every swing state win. It's time to remake the Democratic Party in our image.

The Dems will go extinct if they don't build people power.
You only build people power by waging a fight & dismantling pitiful impossibilities. Showing up to protests & union meetings. Recruiting candidates who sound like their constituents.

Populism will either kill us or save us all, you decide. The age of incrementalism is over.
You can follow @sunrisemvmt.
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