Mathematically speaking, it looks like this is now baked in. And when the healthcare system is overwhelmed, the fatality rate for COVID spikes. We are going to lose a lot of people before spring.
Sure, but wear a full-body hazard suit & hose yourself down afterwards. 😑
Don't plan any long car trips for the foreseeable future, & just plan to not drive in general. If you get in a car accident & you're in a hot spot (and it's all gonna be hotspots quicker than you think), you will not get an ER bed.
All that stuff we worried about back in March? It's coming for us, now. We avoided it thanks to a combo of summer weather & lockdowns. But now it's here. Whatever you were prepping for back then, get back into that headspace & prep for it now.
We're in the regime of exponential spread, & there will be no national coordination of countermeasures before January. Exponential spread is where it happens slowly, then all at once. We're really close to the "all at once" part of the curve, which will hit in the interregnum.
I get it that people have COVID fatigue, & lockdown fatigue, & prepping-for-the-worst fatigue. I have all that, too. But SARS-COV-2 doesn't care where you're at mentally, anymore than Hurricane Delta cared that my parents' roof wasn't fixed from the Hurricane Laura damage.
In private prepping groups I'm in, empty supermarket shelves are showing back up again in different areas. Now is the time (today, not like a week from now) to head back out to Coscto, Sam's Club, wherever, & stock back up. Just Groundhog Day it -- a repeat of March. Immediately.
Ah, right. I forgot about that study. Even so, in the game of "hospital capacity is required to keep IFR down", running out of it => lower hospital capacity => more dead.
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