A lot of Very Serious Conservatives are doing their level best to shoot down or explain away statistical anomalies and dead voters.

It’s rigorous work.

But here’s what they can’t explain: Joe Biden getting 74 million votes on a platform of ending US energy independence...
...across the board tax increases; higher corporate tax rates incentivizing off-shoring of jobs; potential shut downs and federal mask mandates; green energy plans that cost trillions and have left CA with rolling power outages; bans on fracking and drilling that will drive up...
...gas prices and home heating / cooling; a social hierarchy lorded over by woke tribunals and racialist — even racist — ideas; no school choice; and an “equity” initiative that is straight out of communist ideological principles, the goal being to enforce conformity and ...
...equality of outcome, which is precisely the death knell for individual liberty and choice, and antithetical to our framing documents.

Oh. And they want to be able to let you kill babies up until the second before they were waiting to enter the world.

There is zero chance..
...a RECORD number of Americans voted for this. There is zero chance US voters would reward a guy who didn’t campaign and wouldn’t take questions — and who picked as his VP an unpopular leftwing Senator — with a RECORD number of votes. There is zero chance that, with those ...
...RECORD number of votes, not a single state House was flipped, and Rs made significant House gains and likely held the Senate.

It’s on this last that the Very Serious Cons struggle the most: they’ll argue that Trump often underperformed down ballot candidates, and that...
...voters will often split tickets. To this I say, down ballot voting Rs who don’t especially like Trump are more likely to write someone in, or vote third party, than actively support someone who is ideologically OPPOSITE of them on nearly every policy.

More, how much of....
...what we’re told is Trump “underperforming” potentially tied to the very irregularities in voting numbers — or one-sided software “glitches” — that his supporters are alleging?

Conservatives will accept a fair election outcome. But when you have Pelosi and a PA AG calling...
...the election before it happens — and a barely functioning Biden talking about “not needing Trump voters” and having “the most extensive voter fraud” organization ever assembled —

— when you have TIP wargaming this exact outcome;

— when you have Gen McChrystal heading a ...
...disinformation center;

— and when you have states *suing for non-transparency;

— you have red flags everyone, from dead voters to illegals to wrong state / double state voters to USPS whistleblowers reporting being told to backdate ballots...

...Well, you simply aren’t...
...going to cow us into resisting. We can’t be shamed. We welcome your dissident lists. We laugh at your flaccid threats, because we won’t be surrendering our weapons.

In my estimation, the left overreached and were shocked at Trump’s support, forcing them to pause voting...
...in order to find or create what they needed.

We aren’t buying it. And we aren’t that old brand of Rs who graciously slink off when told it’s time.

Not the grassroots. This is the hill we will fight on. Everything is at stake. The swamp must be drained, and anything left...
...slithering in it, starved and then buried, with the earth salted behind them.

Coda: I’m not sure taking a wrecking ball to budding Middle East peace by re-embracing the Palestinian authority and the Iranian terror regime is something many sane Americans support, either.

There’s a reason Trump was nominated for a number of Nobel Peace prizes.
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