♦️TRF: "The Rattled Front" of #Terrorism♦️

Under pressure from the #FATF, #Pakistan has come up with a new & novel way to keep the pot boiling in #Kashmir. The new org for the conduct of #terrorist operations in #Kashmir is TRF(The Resistance Front).
Lately, the number of surrenders in the valley have increased. Slowly but steadily the mislead youth of #Kashmir are realizing the false narrative & lies played by #Pakistan & are returning home. This is what has upset TRF.
@last_tourist @majorgauravarya @Tiny_Dhillon
Frustrated & scared by SF's efforts to offset #Terrorism in the valley & giving the youth of #Kashmir a chance to surrender, TRF has started proliferating posters claiming the surrenders to be orchestrated & scripted by the security forces.
But we would ask #Pakistani operatives playing under the veil of #TRF, that if the SF is actually staging these encounters with local actors, then why kill 2 & leave 1 as in case of #Pampore encounter, that too in broad daylight in front of the locals. TRF we are not fools!
1 more thought for #TRF, taking a surrender during an operation involves extreme risk. Isn't it easier to just bomb the entire building & kill the #terrorists? Why does the #IndianArmy try so hard to appeal to the youth who are actually there to harm it?
@rwac48 @adgpi
What #IndianArmy is doing in the #Kashmir valley,it is making an all out endeavor to bring back #Kashmiri youth back to main stream, who some how fell in trap of #Pakistan's design of proxy war.
@SpokespersonMoD @PIBHomeAffairs @pzfahad @knowthenation @JmuKmrPolice
On one hand rattled TRF is proliferating all this to preserve #Pakistan's interest, on the other we are uploading surrender video so that other misled #Kashmiri youth can learn that #IndianArmy is open to surrender & there is nothing to worry if they want to return.
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