Here are some things that might be helpful on TV news:

- hire Sesame Street to create interstitials explaining evergreen topics related to elections
- explain changes at state level And what it will mean for different areas
- talk about redistricting and what that means
It feels like we have this moment to really engage and connect with communities and people and it’s the same broadcast and techniques used in every election cycle.
Like, why not take questions from viewers and answer them?
It feels also like Twitter is driving coverage on TV which is so weird.
I doubt Jeff Zucker cares about any of this but it feels like a different path is necessary, from a small d democracy standpoint.
And I’m just some goofus living in NC. I’m sure other people have some very good and testable ideas as well.
- give your viewers homework. Make them part of a community, not just an audience. (We used to do this at fresh air.)
You can follow @mkramer.
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