The greatest thing because of the protracted US election happened tonight.
I was awake watching the news & at midnight a knock on the front door. A stranger. A young man. He was driving through the Bay and saw my light on.
He asked if he could talk to me. Or talk to anyone at home. He was so low. So upset. Angry. Sad. Confused. And I hate to say it but he was thinking he should end everything. Instead of going into the sea he knocked on my door.
We talked for a nearly three hours. I made him a coffee. Gave him a cuddly rug to wrap up in.
He poured and poured his heart out.
He’d been to see his friends and told them how he was feeling. They didn’t help him. He felt utterly alone so took a chance on a stranger.
I gently explained to him that his peers would be out of their depth because they wouldn’t have had life experience to know what to say. They hadn’t rejected him.
We talked about travel. Life. Politics. Swimming in the tropics. Palm trees. Holidays. Gardening.
And I know it seems weird that I welcomed a stranger into my home late at night.

I read the signs. His body language. His eyes.

He just needed someone to hear him. And I told him how happy I was that he found someone to talk to.
I know his full name, his address, ph and family details. We’re catching up again tomorrow (later today!)

I’m just so grateful that I was awake. So yeah, I’m grateful for the US election.
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