@TiceRichard almost wilfully misrepresenting Swedish/WHO Covid approach on #bbcaq
1. Anders Tegnell - the Swedish Epidemiology Supremo has said that Herd Immunity approaches were "unscientific and unethical" and WHO made very similar statement "dangerous and unethical"
2. The Swedes had a death rate from Covid-19 several times higher than Scandic neighbours and a care home death rate as high as the UK
3. The Swedes DID see significant behaviour change with more home working, less travel, self isolation and time off work for symptomatic/covid+ve
4. They DO have a significantly better welfare/unemployment/housing system than the UK (nasty social democracy which UKIP/small state libertarians would not like much) which enabled people to self isolate/act responsibility
5. Tegnell is independent of party politics and as an expert technocrat has been given control of a a type Tice would certainly not want
6 The idea that because the average age of people who die is over 80, that is no problem is fine till that person over 80 is your parents/you
7 When people die from Covid (and i have looked after plenty) it is often an unpleasant and distressing and prolonged death. And even when people survive, "long-covid" or hospitalisation or ICU/HMU admission is still ver unpleasant and affects younger, fitter people
8 Around 650 frontline health and social care staff (all of working age and working) killed by Covid-19 since March
9. "Protect the vulnerable" can't work because young people live in multi-occupancy households or work in caring roles or are unpaid carers or are spreaders
10. The Great Barrington Declaration, though fronted by some bona fide scientific experts comes from a small state, free market, libertarian organisation with a clear ideological agenda and so is severely compromised in its impartiality

Do not trust TICE for one moment
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