I was riding home from work thinking about how Cosplay Socialists spent days writing whiny think pieces about how unfair it was for Joe Biden to respond to accusations he was a socialist by saying "I beat the socialist." A four word utterance that was true.
Biden was alluding to the fact he was running against Bernie sanders, the so-called socialist that led me to coin the term "Cosplay Socialism." Bernie had a chance to sell his ideas to us and we overwhelmingly rejected him and chose Biden instead.
In fact, Biden didn't just beat the socialist. He ROUTED the socialist, winning primary states he didn't even have money to campaign in. Fucking ethered him. Just whipped Bernie's Bozo haircut wearing ass all up and down the primary schedule. Beat him like a Gene Krupa drum solo.
Y'all gotta excuse me for a sec I got a little caught up reliving that primary beatdown Joe put on Magic Grandpa. moving on...
But again. Bernie had a chance to sell his ideas. He was soundly defeated. Biden said so. He made a statement of fact, but Cosplay Socialists lost their minds and started reaching out to any journo who'd let them cry on their shoulder. Cosplay Socialist always play the victims.
But notice what happens when the shoe is on the other foot. Bernie Sanders, The So-Called Squad, Raggedy Ass Lil Kiki etc etc can go on extended rants against Biden, Democrats, even Black leaders and we're just supposed to shut the fuck up and eat our food.
Even worse, Cosplay Socialists launched two vile smears against Biden hoping one or both would disqualify him and force the party to appoint Bernie in his place and we weren't supposed to say a thing about that either.
The "Biden has dementia" nonsense? Bernie's comms director and speechwriter pushed it. The Tara Reade bullshit? Every pro-Bernie platform was signal boosting it for weeks. Trump eventually took up the dementia smear in the general. Was there a mea culpa from Berniefolk? Nope.
They just moved on. Then, we let Berniefolk write the DNC platform, with over 90% of what they asked for in the final version. After it was finished, what did Berniefolk do? They announced they were voting against the platform THAT THEY WROTE. One of them was Ro Khanna.
Then there was that patently absurd performance by Miss Congeniality when she turned a 90 second spot to announce Magic Grandpa into a grand conspiracy against her AND EVERYBODY BOUGHT IT. And then on the night of, we found out it was all a lie but she skated on that, too.
Then there are the toxic labels they stick us with. Socialism. Defund. Abolish. We warn them about how problematic each term is, we get carpet bombed by Very Smart People In Media who say "you may as well embrace the term 'Socialism' because they'll call you one anyway."
The term is still toxic in some areas and since Democrats need to win a broad coalition to win national elections, they avoid terms that would make it an uphill battle with certain demographics. Cosplay Socialists are in a different lane. They're busy building a brand.
"Socialism" is THEIR brand. It ain't ours. But, people tell us to embrace a term that does not apply to us. They want us to lie. Why? So CS can keep building THEIR brand. Again, its their lane. Its all they care about. That's why they scream bloody murder when you diss the term.
But we're not Socialists. We're Democrats and proud of it. If someone accuses you of being something you're not, are you supposed to embrace the term or correct the record? Most of us would do the latter. Loudly if need be. But no, CS wants us all to be liars for their sakes.
Fast forward to November 3rd. We're all sitting around looking horrified as Florida slowly fades away and into the grasp of Trump. And guess what Cosplay Socialists were doing while we were all stressed out, thinking it was gonna be a repeat of 2016? Were they with us?
Nope. Cosplay Socialists took up the "Bernie Woulda Won" chant to torment us even further. They gloated. They mocked Joe. They blamed "centrism" for the loss. But then, exit polls from Florida showed we lost the Cuban and Venezuelan vote because of that word: Socialism.
Not only that, things slowly began to trend from bad to good. Mail-in ballots began turning the tide. Biden started encouraging us with positive internal polling info. Suddenly, the "Bernie Woulda Won" chants dried up. Cosplay Socialists went from mockery mode to CYA mode.
Suddenly it was "it ain't our fault you lost down ballot races." Just completely ignored what Cubans and Venezuelans in Florida were saying. Why? Because again: its always about their brand. If they acknowledged the complaints, their socialist brand takes a hit.
Circle back to the 90 second nomination kerfuffle. A lie. The New North Star of their movement was caught in a lie, but she grinned and just strolled off while the camera lights popped. Quiet as its kept, lying is also a part of their brand. But that's a story for another day.
Moving on. Cosplay Socialists blamed centrism. They blamed the choice of nominee. They blamed everyone but themselves. Its never their fault. They're never wrong. Its always someone else. They blew off Cuban/Venezuelan concerns. CS chose their brand over the truth.
Meanwhile, Biden's chances are steadily improving. fast forward again to where we are now. Biden's on the cusp of clinching the victory. And guess what Cosplay Socialists started doing then? Yup, they started taking credit FOR EVERYTHING POSITIVE THAT HAPPENED.
It shouldn't take you long to realize why. It helps build their brand. It helps recruit more DSA members. Suddenly Rashida Tlaib is The Negro Whisperer that delivered Detroit, Michigan. Not the Black woman who did all the work. The loudmouth who booed Hillary is the hero.
And then, the Abby Spanberger clip leaked. Woo Lawd, now its Super Hella Defense Mode Time at Cosplay Socialist HQ. So now, the standard bearer has to launch a new spirited defense of The Brand. Because again, its all they care about. So its time to shit on Spanberger.
And then, once again: we push back and suddenly everyone's chiming in to claim we're the ones who are wrong. The people who lifted up Joe and kept him afloat through the primaries and got him within one media backbone of the finish line. We're the ones who are wrong.
There's probably plenty of people in the replies of this thread saying its wrong of me to even say this stuff. But if so, fuck you. I've been too Black for too long to give a fuck. I been speaking my mind all this time and I ain't gonna stop now.
We're being accused of infighting and I got news for you. You ain't seen the half of it. We see what the deal is and we know who are our allies and who keeps pissing in the punch bowl to build their brand. Excuse my pun, but we're just Biden our time.
When I say "we" I mean Black folk. We're gonna keep working and pushing to get this done. But then, we gonna have to have a talk. Because these Toxic cosplay Socialist fucks gotta go. Someone gonna have to pay for what they tried to do to destroy our nominee.
I often use a saying, half in jest: "Pepperidge Hood Remembers." Dunno if you realize this, but when I use that, I ain't just referring to me. I'm talking about my people. We remember all the bullshit Cosplay Socialists have been on for the past five years. Payback is coming.
Because Pepperidge Hood remembers. I'm out.
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