I found the Scorecard server!


According to overnight “ballot” counters, votes went from 72 million to 74 million past couple days according to #BejingBiden.

OMG the AI is expanding...

Looks like #DominionVotingSystems code has become self aware.

The singularity is here! 😳
Twitter ALSO labelled this thread’s second tweet w “This claim about election fraud is unverified.”

I posted a picture from a scene in the movie “Terminator” I made a point via satire.

Used some hashtags. No where in this 2cnd tweet did I mention election fraud. Again: Libel?
Twitter labelled my tweet at top of thread with “This claim about election fraud is unverified.”

I posted a picture from a scene in the movie “2001 a Space Odyssey.” I madea point via satire.

Used some hashtags. No where in the top tweet did I mention election fraud. Libel?
Wonder if the “glitch” code looks like this for each ballot it counts? ⬇️

{ < !”election2020-rig 1.0” >

if ballot, harvest

2 for Biden, 1 for Trump...
3 for Biden, 1 for Trump...
4 for Biden, 0 for Trump,
all for Biden, 0 for Trump.

repeat, add till end, install Biden}
Twitter labelled my tweet at top of thread with “This claim about election fraud is unverified.”

I posted a picture from a scene in the movie “2001 a Space Odyssey.” I madea point via satire.

Used some hashtags. No where in the top tweet did I mention election fraud. Libel?
You can follow @RedWhiteBlue4Me.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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