Democracy Shell Games

The US Electoral College Presidential System is IMO unrepresentative - despite the claims that it is

In 48 states it gives 👉🏼all👈🏼 the electoral votes for the state to the winner, regardless of % of votes
The loser gets nothing 👉🏼0
Lets look at 4 states with highest Electoral College votes:

California - 55 (Biden 55, Trump 0)
Texas - 38 (Trump 38, Biden 0)
Florida - 29 (Trump 29, Biden 0)
New York - 29 (Biden 29, Trump 0)

Look at the % of votes👇🏼.
How is this all/none system representative?
Compare electoral votes with all/none electoral college vote system (vs % of votes) Pt 1

Alabama - 9 (Trump 9, Biden 0)
Alaska - 3 (uncalled)
Arizona - 11 (Biden 11, Trump 0)
Arkansas - 6 (Trump 6, Biden 0)
Compare electoral votes with all/none electoral college vote system (Compare with % of votes for each) Pt 2

California - 55 (Biden 55, Trump 0)
Colorado - 9 (Biden 9, Trump 0)
Connecticut - 7 (Biden 7, Trump 0)
Delaware - 3 (Biden 3, Trump 0)
Compare electoral votes with all/none electoral college vote system (Compare with % of votes for each candidate per state) Pt 3

DC - 3 (Biden 3, Trump 0)
Florida - 29 (Trump 29, Biden 0)
Georgia - 16 (Biden 16, Trump 0)
Hawaii - 4 (Biden 4, Trump 0)
Compare electoral votes with all/none electoral college vote system (Compare with % of votes for each candidate per state)
Pt 4

Idaho - 4 (Trump 4, Biden 0)
Illinois - 20 (Biden 20, Trump 0)
Indiana - 11 (Trump 11, Biden 0)
Iowa - 6 (Trump 6, Biden 0)
Compare electoral votes with all/none electoral college vote system (Compare with % of votes for each candidate per state)
Pt 5

Kansas - 6 (Trump 6, Biden 0)
Kentucky - 8 (Trump 8, Biden 0)
Louisiana - 6 (Trump 6, Biden 0)
Maine - 4 (uses a different system)
Compare electoral votes with all/none electoral college vote system (Compare with % of votes for each candidate per state)
Pt 6

Maryland - 10 (Biden 10, Trump 0)
Massachusetts - 11 (Biden 11, Trump 0)
Michigan - 16 (Biden 16, Trump 0)
Minnesota - 10 (Biden 10, Trump 0)
Compare electoral votes with all/none electoral college vote system (Compare with % of votes for each candidate per state)
pt 6

Mississippi - 6 (Biden 6, Trump 0)
Missouri - 10 (Trump 10, Biden 0)
Montana - 3 (Trump 3, Biden 0)
Nebraska - 5 (uses a different system)
Compare electoral votes with all/none electoral college vote system (Compare with % of votes for each candidate per state)
Pt 7

Nevada - 6 (not called)
New Hampshire - 4 (Biden 4, Trump 0)
New Jersey - 14 (Biden 14, Trump 0)
New Mexico - 5 (Biden 5, Trump 0)
Compare electoral votes with all/none electoral college vote system (Compare with % of votes for each candidate per state)
Pt 8

New York - 29 (Biden 29, Trump 0)
North Carolina - 15 (Trump 15, Biden 0)
North Dakota - 3 (Trump 3, Biden 0)
Ohio - 18 (Trump 18, Biden 0)
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