I'm sad but that's how most women feel. A great number and percentage. Women enter relationships with entitlement. That relationships are built to serve them happiness.
Men do the giving and women do the receiving. Putting effort into creating and keeping a relationship usually https://twitter.com/_agyemang_/status/1324992206680285184
lies solely on men.
Women already come to relationships with expectations on how they wanted to be treated.
People don't talk about how a man is also equally deserving of all the things they ask for.
Men need reassurance too. Thoughtful gifts, words of affirmation, surprises,
cute essays, trips, deserve to be shown off, taken on dates, attention. Men also want there to be genuine interest taken in them and care and affection shown to them too, not just what they can contribute to a woman's happiness.
Men's happiness matter too.
Everyone just talks about how a man should treat his woman right but they don't talk about how a woman should. Think about it, how much effort are you contributing to your man's happiness or the success of your relationship?
We really don't talk about it enough but men don't
prioritize their happiness in relationships but women just focus on just theirs. It's actually supposed to be you both putting each other first.
But question to the men?
As a man, what you dey expect out of relationships, and what you dey get? Sex aside.
How are your relationships contributing to your happiness and wellbeing?
Men don't even know what to expect in relationships so we expect nothing. Rn if we get the barest of bare minimums sef then we excite.
Women would put half the effort a man is putting and feel she's worth the whole world, just cos other women aren't doing it.
I think it's great that women are taught that they deserve good thing and I wish men knew that too.
I wish men were taught and know their worth so they can find true happiness too.
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