how similar you are to tbhk/jshk characters, a thread:
10% entp
10% flirty
10% smart
10% loves donuts
10% short
10% helpful
10% loves astronomy
10% caring
10% irrational at times
10% catboy/catgirl/catby
10% isfp
10% hopeless romantic
10% insecure
10% reckless
10% people pleaser
10% helpful
10% loves plants
10% compassionate
10% naïve
10% short
10% esfp
10% tall
10% reckless
10% honest
10% loud
10% cares about others a lot
10% makes an effort to be nice
10% misunderstood
10% doesnt worry about things
10% rushes into things a lot
10% infp
10% confident
10% cocky
10% cute
10% harsh
10% cries easily
10% people pleaser
10% lonely
10% has a hard time being honest
10% loves photography
break to look at them
10% infj
10% tall
10% popular
10% calm
10% reliable
10% kind
10% smart
10% doesnt think much of yourself
10% strict
10% likes lightning
10% enfj
10% popular
10% loves romance
10% good with words
10% sometimes harsh
10% looks down on others
10% fakes a personality to be liked
10% lonely
10% scared of people hating you
10% likes giraffes
10% istj
10% loving
10% reckless
10% protective
10% obsessive at times
10% sarcastic
10% reliable
10% doesnt worry about much
10% smart
10% loves math
10% entp
10% short
10% immature
10% unrepentant
10% manipulative
10% rule breaker
10% emotional
10% cruel at times
10% obsessive
10% controlling
another break for him
10% esfp
10% shallow
10% reckless
10% not the smartest person
10% loyal
10% sometimes obsessive
10% doesnt hold grudges
10% sorta clueless at times
10% easily manipulated
10% will do anything for what you want
20% istj
20% doesnt show emotion much
20% isnt always honest
20% keep to yourself
20% listens to others more than yourself
20% intp
20% sarcastic
20% short tempered
20% doesnt like kids
20% likes to joke around
25% estj
25% prideful
25% thinks little of people
25% wants to be respected
25% intp
25% likes yellow
25% always on your phone
25% not careful about your surroundings
end of thread, thank you for participating!
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