Here’s some info on the DNC because many of you are too lazy to find out what it is actually for. Read that last sentence.
This is the most important part.
The role of the DNC chair.
The DNC is also charged with
Basically for those of you who are too lazy to do the research

The DNC is a fundraising committee. It’s job is to raise money for national campaigns and state parties. It does not run the Democratic Party. The platform is set by who *we* nominate and they organize around that.
Tom Perez is not in charge of running every state party. He is not in Charge of running each and every campaign. He is not in charge of recruiting candidates to run. He is not in charge of filing lawsuits against states that violate voting rights. He’s in charge of a convention.
Tom Perez is not our leader. Pelosi and Schumer are until Biden is sworn in.

I think we can find something better for Stacey Abrams to do than fundraise large amounts of money.
Just so we’re clear

Pelosi and Schumer lead the Democratic Party until our party is in control.
If many of you expect Stacey Abrams to continue the work she’s currently doing then we would need an entirely new organization for her to do it in.

Being DNC chair does not allow her to be partisan. She has to remain neutral & work for party strategy & make sure $ is coming in.
I definitely don’t think many of you actually understand what the DNC actually does and why it’s best to see Abrams run for office or continue her work in fair fight which is producing RESULTS. We need to take whatever she’s doing and replicate it in markets across the country.
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