Navajo Nation has suffered America’s highest rate of COVID19 infections. Trump denied them help.

Now, Navajo Nation counties of Apache, Navajo & Coconino voted 73,954 for Biden vs 2,010 for Trump. Biden leads Trump by ~40,000 votes.

In short, the truest Americans saved America.
But there's more.

As Trump emboldened white supremacists and demonized racial justice organizations like Black Lives Matter—Black voters in Atlanta and Philadelphia ensured a Biden victory in Georgia (shout out to Stacey Abrams) and in Pennsylvania.
And as Trump launched his Presidency w/the Muslim ban—Muslim voters in Michigan & Detroit ensured a Biden victory in Michigan.

Also in Arizona, Mexican Americans rejected Trump's border wall & anti-immigration policies—and voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden to secure victory.
The very communities Trump demonized & abandoned during his Presidency dealt the most impactful votes to end his Presidency.

Black American votes matter.
Muslim American votes matter.
Mexican American votes matter.
Native American votes matter.

These votes saved our democracy.
Stop viewing Black/Muslim/Latino/Native votes as granted. Listen to them & ensure they have meaningful representation year round—not just at election time.

That human dignity is how we win up & down the ballot. That justice & compassion is how we truly make America great.
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