Hunter gatherers don't have the same grueling process of building a career and choosing a direction that we do. It seems like they just absorb the cultural wisdom and show off their skills. Modern society is a lot more brutal, in that the millions of people around you don't care
I often think I wasn't built for this kind of environment, it's like a dancing bear in a circus not really doing what it's 'supposed to'. Not to sound edgy or woe-is-me, I just think it's a fact that I'm out of my element by virtue of the world circumstance.
Then again that applies to 99% of humans existing right now inside industrial, social media driven society, so my plight is everyone's. I do think my personal issues would be solved with a tight tribal bond, an easy path to status, physical exercise and hunting.
It's not necessarily that bad though, and there are benefits. I think truth is the most important thing we can aspire to realize intellectually, and truth is much more limited in a tribal society, at least in a holistic way.
Despite postmodern objections, maybe we can never fully grasp the truth with a capital T, but the scientific revolution has given us enormous power over reality by understanding its fundamentals. I think all people like to partake in that power process, who doesn't like guns?
Like @dumbassgenius said in an interview, IQ has probably gone up significantly since we are surrounded by information so much. I think many of us are driven by our power process to learn as much as we can, in order to bolster ourselves, control our surroundings, tackle it all
There's an inner existential dissatisfaction with the whole power process though. Maybe the internal understanding that an individualistic life is stacked like a jenga tower and is in many ways precarious. Especially considering all potential dangers in our environment
The fact that we have to reckon with crazy homeless people, angry testosterone fueled teens, possible police corruption, bitchy Karens at Starbucks, disgruntled service workers...let alone climate change, threat of nukes. It's a lot to deal with. More complicated than lions/bears
At least in my case there's also the uncomfortable knowledge that 'knowing' more about the world doesn't really tame it. It's like being aware of the makeup of soldiers/tanks on a battlefield, the war still goes on even with the knowledge.
But at least knowledge gives a person the confidence to make informed decisions and go down with a sinking ship in style! I guess I'd rather live with uncomfortable realities than delusions.
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