rewatched MICHAEL CLAYTON and boy, this movie. it’s perfect. flawless. and those last fifteen minutes? sublime.
the crazy thing about it, upon this rewatch, is that in memory it feels like a movie that is constantly moving, but it actually has these nice moments where it just breathes and lives in the world its built.
it's a nearly two hour movie that feels barely longer than 80 minutes
folks have already mentioned it but tilda swinton's performance! it is low key the best thing in the film. everyone is trying to escape from something they are not, but karen is trying to be something she's not, and will go to any lengths to convince others she is that thing
and when she fails in the end, she collapses into herself, showing the reality of the small, insecure person
also, for everyone asking, i don't know if it's on netflix. i own the movie, or at least, i bought it on iTunes. whenever a 4K blu ray hits, i'll buy that too
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