jimin really is that hot nonbinary person you see around campus all the time and are super intimidated by, to the point where if you ever accidentally made eye contact you think you'd probably d*e on the spot
to elaborate: jimin would also be the type of person who seems to know Everything about anything and is always willing to give advice to the tiny baby gays and baby trans folks on campus.
like u want to figure out how to change your name in the campus registrar so u stop getting deadnamed by your professors? jimin can help u with that! u want to buy a binder but don't even know where to begin? jimin can help!
jimin is so sweet and helpful but somehow that only makes them MORE intimidating bc,, wow,,, you are hot AND nice????? god, pick one or the other pls, this is too much 😭😭
oh my god so yes jimin is the absolute kindest soul, but maybe one of the other reasons behind jimin's intimidating aura is that there are.... rumors.
tw transphobia

the rumor goes like this: there was a first year student who was being purposefully misgendered and verbally harassed by one of her classmates. the university wasn't taking the situation seriously, so jimin decided to take matters into their own hands.
according to the rumors, tiny park jimin cornered the transphobic asshole after one of his classes, stared him right in the eye, and calmly & cooly told him every single way in which they would ruin his reputation beyond repair and destroy his chances of ever having a good career
the guy was terrified out of his mind. it seemed like jimin had really thought this through and could actually destroy his life if they tried.

so the first year trans girl was finally left and alone and jimin was left with an even more formidable reputation 🤗
and after jimin graduates they follow their dream of opening up a center for homeless trans youth that provides them with housing and support 💗 the center is co-run by kim taehyung, jimin's same age boyfriend since their final year of university
they met during their third year of university, when jimin was vice president of the lgbtqia+ club on campus and a very nervous and very closeted taehyung had shown up and sat quietly in the very back of the room.
taehyung started attending more and more meetings, and jimin never put any pressure on him to talk, which he was always thankful for.

it was jimin who eventually approached taehyung first and started up a conversation with him.
talking with jimin was a lot easier than taehyung expected, and they progressed from casual acquaintances to close friends very quickly.
jimin was the first person taehyung ever came out as a trans man to. they were also the first person taehyung fell head over heels in love with.

and now they're following their dream together of helping trans youths in every way they can 😌💗
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