[Death Star explodes]

People at the base that was being targeted: Close call! But that's great news!

Twitter: Wow, so, now that the Death Star exploded, we're just gonna pretend that there isn't still a galactic empire? We're just going to go back to brunch? Is that it? 🙄
(My point: just give people a few days to breathe. JFC.)
How do these people not understand that they're making my point?
Very smart person with rose emoji in profile name: lol, the threat isn't over. It actually gets worse.

Me: Yes, that's the point. But it's a good thing that the extremely immediate threat was addressed so they could live to fight the next battle. Let people breathe for a second.
Except that's not at all what I tweeted. My tweet was about burn-out and why it's okay to take a breath before moving on to the next thing. https://twitter.com/rusteenh/status/1324749859279175682
"I choose not to understand what words mean and seeing any sort of pop culture reference makes my blood boil. Lol brunch." https://twitter.com/rainybit/status/1324749719814496260
Super fun being called a "dumb lib" because people can't read. Good times.
I am sorry that reading comprehension is difficult for you. https://twitter.com/brkfstsanwich/status/1324751417433903107
The absolute idiocy in these dumb quote tweet attempts at dunking that are all just variations on the same thing
Exactly. The second death star wasn't built because they took an hour to have a little medal ceremony and breathe. https://twitter.com/adamjmolloy/status/1324749893206880257
"pop culture lib shit."

JFC, get bent https://twitter.com/dayclancy/status/1324753589475151875
I've spent the past several days about the need for the press to acknowledge that Biden is not "the left" and Harris is not "a socialist," and how there's a need for mainstream news outlets to expand their range of views away from just "center left to far-right"
That's a crucial step in actually mainstreaming *actual* left ideas. I think Biden is a vast improvement over Trump, obviously, because that's a really low bar, and I think people absolutely need to push him hard to move left otherwise we will be hit with something worse.
But it was like... 20 minutes after news outlets called the race for him and there were already people making the same dumb "welp, I guess that's it. libs brunching!" condescending comments in response to anyone who expressed any relief.
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