We need to really push the positives of Capitalism (even it's limited residue today): life has never been healthier and with freedom, we could add decades to life expectancy.
Never have we had access to more knowledge & art -- just imagine a world where that was appreciated.
AI & robotics, if allowed to develop will make the world a even better place with access to even more human values. Driverless cars will make our roads safer, less congested and buy us valuable time (what is more precious than that).
We need more freedom to make this a reality.
Supersonic jets, space travel, will open up the sky even more and allow us to travel with min. waste of Time... 5G or 6G globally will allow us to be constantly connected to all that knowledge, art, entertainment, loved ones...
We need more freedom to make this a reality.
We need to focus our energies on fighting for the future, not the past. The future can be glorious.
Non of this will happen because of politicians. we get what we (culturally) deserve. It will happen because of a better culture. That is where the fight is.
Fight for a culture of reason & individualism. A culture of Progress and innovation. A culture of entrepreneurship and wealth creation. A culture that admires real wealth creators, real artists, real scientists. A culture of active minded, truth seekers.
Such a culture, such a world, such progress is possible. But it's going to require a fight of epic proportion -- a fight focused on proper philosophy & education.
If we shifted our focus from politics and to where the real battle is - we can and will win.
You can follow @yaronbrook.
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