If Little Saigon, OC turns red this election, it is NOT a marker of how much this community is actually changing (or hasn’t), because it IS. If it flips it is because the Republican Party, from all the way at the top with Trump, invested heavily in the Vietnamese community, (1/5)
invested in a local anti-communist propaganda campaign weeks before the election, had Trump appoint a Vietnamese person to be head of ICE, invested heavily in fake news targeting Viets on social media, and lied, loudly, about how Trump would hold China accountable.

Plus, (2/5)
The Democratic Party establishment in Orange County did not listen to grassroots Vietnamese organizers who know their community about issues that matter, and they ran vanilla candidates that stood for almost nothing during one of the most unprecedented time of our lives. (3/5)
If it flips, this is a DRASTIC change from just two years ago during the midterms, when congressional candidates won, and they won because young people campaigned for them on a pro-immigrant rights and housing security platform all across Little Saigon. (4/5)
I hope this is a wake up call for the Democratic establishment in OC. Listen to the people who understand their community. If you want their vote, then you have to earn it. And you have to campaign on the issues that matter to them. (5/5)

#LittleSaigon #BringHumanRightsHome
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