Thinkin about how Claire uses the dumbest reason ever to touch Steve’s hand and how damn adorable that shit is. 🥺💗💗💗 they’re so cute. People only do silly things like that when they’re attracted to someone. 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I LOVE THEM SO MUCH #REBHFun #CodeVeronica
As someone who has loved them forever, the way this scene was depicted in the trailer for Darkside literally gave me chills. 🥺💗😭
How it paired with the way they overlaid Claire whispering his name in the tone that she used, and the sad/romantic music that started to play 😭!!
PS don’t post here trying to argue w/ me about Claire & Steve if you’re going to freak out when I reply and don’t suddenly agree with you. If you don’t want to see evidence pulled from games + interviews that leave you feeling silly or angry, then keep your comments to yourself.
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