KY early voting as of 11/1 -

Party Count Percent
Dems 535,307 35.5
Repubs 417,258 27.7
Other * 58,723 3.9
TOTAL 1,508,000 100.0

* No Party Affiliation/Minor
** No party registration breakdowns. May not = 100%.
Mail ballots requested 655,452
Mail ballots returned 575,000
Return rate 87.7%
Kentucky broke the record for total registered voters.
SOS Michael Adams announced 3,462,152 people registered to vote as of Jan. 31.

Democrats 48% - 1,678,538
Republicans 43% - 1,477,985
Other 9%
AP called it for McConnell. With about 95% in he led McGrath 58% to 38%.

???? - 1,678,538 Dems registered, McGrath 793,729?

Yesterday 3:02 PM EST, 98% of the vote in:
McConnell 1,222,749
McGrath 793,729 (can't be right)
Brad Barron 83,826
Again, record-breaking registrations, 1,678,538 Dems & only 750,597 for Biden?

Trump 1,315,457
Biden 750,597 (can't be right)
Jorgensen (LB) 26,459
West (I) 6,259
Pierce (I) 3,498
1.6 million Dems registered in KY, but half or less voted??? I do Not believe that.
@OversightDems Oversight KY totals
@HouseDemocrats @TheBlackCaucus @HouseDemWomen @SenateDems @DemGovs

* Dem votes Had to be Suppressed.
Bottom line -

KY - 1,678,538 registered Dems -
Less than half voted after record-breaking registrations?

Biden 750,597 (can't be right)
McGrath 793,729 (can't be right)
Can't let this go.

1,477,985 Republicans are registered in KY
Trump got 89.0% of that number
McConnell got 82.7%

1,678,538 Democrats are registered in KY
Biden got 44.74% of that number
McGrath got 47.29%
Why did Democrats get less than 50% the number of registered Democrats while Republicans got nearly 90% the number of registered Republicans?

Somebody in Kentucky is keeping Democrats from voting.
@OversightDems - Oversight.
@HouseDemocrats @TheBlackCaucus @SenateDems @DemGovs
Pulled sources as I went. Didn't think I'd find anything, so didn't do it offline first. Here's the sources in the sequence I pulled them:

1. Kentucky Early Voting Statistics
Last Report: 11/1/2020
4. 2020 Presidential Election Results & Electoral Map
Election Date: Nov. 3, 2020 | Updated 12:37 AM EST Nov. 6, 2020
That's it for sources.
Forgot one.
KY state spreadsheet for 2016 registration numbers (Jan 2017). Compared w/ 2020.
Another one. This is too much.
786,283 more registered than can vote?

3,462,152 Registered 2020
- 2,675,869 Voting age (calculated from Census & BLS)
Teasing out the number of Democrats & Republicans isn't easy. For instance, KY Public Radio interviewed uky's director of Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues on 6/20/2018 who said many conservative voters have still been registered as Democrats.
They do so to have a say in local primary elections still dominated by Democratic candidates. "It’s just a statement when you go change your registration. If your family has been registered Dem since the Civil War, then that is your party of heritage.
To change your registration is to step outside the box.”

In the 2008 Democratic primary, race was an issue. 19% of whites said race was a factor in who they decided to vote for. Hillary Clinton ended up more than doubling Obama’s votes in Kentucky, winning by 64% to 30%.
"As of June 15 (2018) Democrats make up 49.9 percent of registered voters in Kentucky while Republicans make up 41 percent and the rest identify either with a third party or as independents."

Questions remain.
Kentucky State Board of Elections election statistics -
Turnout Statistics -
"Disclaimer:  The turnout report cannot accurately be compared to the election results page due to the fact the turnout report is run after the Kentucky Voter Registration rolls reopen.
The discrepancy in the numbers are the results of voters who have moved out of state, moved to another county, or are purged for being a convicted felon, incompetent, and deceased. Also, the State Board of Elections scans the precinct signature rosters which is not 100% accurate.
The discrepancy in the numbers reflect these changes within the county voter registration.
Please consider the turnout statistics as an unofficial document.  Official documentation can be obtained from the County Clerk's office."

so, the state isn't official.

is this America?
June 22, 2020 - "Kentucky election expected to be a "disaster" after polling locations cut: voting rights advocates - Jefferson County has a population of roughly 767,000 and will have just one polling location"
"a federal judge denied an effort to expand the number of polling places in Kentucky."
The June 23 primary will have "[f]ewer than 200 polling places," reported the Washington Post, "down from 3,700 in a typical election year."

(this leading up to the general election.)
Folks, going in circles. The state election office says counties have official numbers. Counties aren't saying.
There's little else I can do, so I have no choice but to withdraw from the chase. Sorry for causing an uproar, then not bringing it to a resolution.
this -
Michael Adams, Kentucky Secretary of State, said nearly 3,000 absentee ballots have been invalidated, but more than 1,000 of those were corrected or "cured."
Voters have until Nov. 9 to cure their ballots, which means it could take longer to accurately tally all votes.
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