The ceremony of the dipper 礼斗

This is a Daoist ceremony based around the 'Big Dipper Sutra 北斗經. It is performed by priests of the White Cloud Abbey of Beijing
Persons who would follow the service with a copy of the scripture 太上玄靈北斗本命延生真經 as it is usually printed, viz:
should note that the liturgy recited in that video is much more elaborate. Extra lines of verse are inserted in places...
so, for example, whilst the scripture prints
"The Most holy Seven Prime Worthies of the Northern Dipper, can resolve the three forms of disaster"
the liturgy adds an extra line:
“All things like the three evils disperse, [by the power of] the Disaster-dispersing, longevity extending Heavenly Worthy"

This extra phrase is added at the end of each line of that section of the scripture.
In turn, this entire section- detailing the 24 different disasters that the Gods of the Northern Dipper can resolve, is repeated twice-- once sung to a rather pleasing orchestral accompaniment, the second time merely chanted.
I do understand that there are actually two ways in which this scripture is used: the first is simple recitation, and the latter is a more elaborate ritual. It seems, it is the ritual that we are seeing here
Other elements of theurgy that can be found in this video are the burning of talismans at certain points of the ritual. in turn, near the end, a large box-like petition is burnt.
Another interesting thing about this ritual is a particular set of lamps on the high altar: It is in vertical form, with the lamps connected by wires. This resembles the form of certain illustrations in books found in Dunhuang:
This furthers my suspicion that the illustrations from Dunhuang are not mere sigils, but rather are diagrams representing a particular sort of lamp you are to light to worship that planet- notice how all these sigils have a "stand" at the bottom.
For notes on a lecture about this scripture, see
Despite being extremely popular in China, there is very little written about the Big Dipper Scripture in English; AFAIK a translation of this scripture has yet to be done.
That is about as much as I have been able to glean from this video; If there are any errors that my learned readers would spot, or comments they would add, I would be most glad.
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